Cybersecurity- Web vulnerabilities

The web is the main gateway for hackers. In this article, we will discover the main web vulnerabilities, how to detect and exploit them.
This article is not finished and aims to present the web vulnerabilities in a simple way without going into details, it will be completed according to my discoveries !

What is a vulnerability

"In computer security, a vulnerability is a weakness which can be exploited by a Threat Actor, such as an attacker, to perform unauthorized actions within a computer system. To exploit a vulnerability, an attacker must have at least one applicable tool or technique that can connect to a system weakness. In this frame, vulnerability is also known as the attack surface." by Wikipedia



The XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) is to inject code (usually JavaScript) that can be interpreted directly by the web browser, which will not differentiate between the site code and the injected code.
Consequences: redirection to a trap site, retrieve data transmitted by users, block accessing a site, hijacking sessions, stealing cookies, doing direct actions on the site ...

There are mainly two types of XSS

Refleted XSS

It occurs when a user makes a request and the server does not return a secure response to the browser.
The attack is active only during the specific request.
A user can be sent a trapped URL that will inject code into the result page.
However, Reflected XSS requires a means of distribution (mail, mp ...)

For this image I use :

Stored XSS

Unlike Reflected XSS, Stored XSS does not require any means of distribution.
Stored XSS occurs when user-provided data is stored on a server (in a database, a file ...) and then re-displayed without the special HTML characters being encoded.
For example, on a forum when posting a comment on a publication, all who access this publication will execute the code injected.

For this image I use :

How to detect if a website is vulnerable to XSS ?

You can use tools like Zed Attack Proxy, or XSS Scanner (there will be an article on this later) but to quickly test, you must copy / paste the examples below in all the forms / text area of ​​the site

Some examples of injectable code :
Javascript : <script>alert("XSS")</script>
HTML : <b>if this text is bold, the site is potentially vulnerable</b>
CSS : <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: red; background-image: none; } </style>


The purpose of the Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is to have a user execute an action internal to the site, through a falsified http request.
For example, asking an admin to delete a person on a forum.
It can be coupled to an XSS attack.

Source of this image :

Some examples (from OWASP Website) :
"<a href="">View my Pictures!</a>
"<img src=’’url/page=disconnect’’>"

Include LFI/RFI

Local File Inclusion (LFI) and Remote File Inclusion (RFI) vulnerabilities are based on the inclusion of files. These inclusions provide access to normally confidential files and internal to the website (LFI) or include a remote file on the victim's server and in some cases to interpret code on the server.
The vulnerabilities LFI and RFI are generally due to the inclusion of a parameter of the url.

We have this URL :
If we look the source code of index.php we can see : "include($_GET['page']);"

This site is potentially vulnerable so, we can try to go back to the server folders :
For example:
Another example with RFI : http//

We can also use tools like Gobuster, Wfuzz, Fimap,.. to test these parameters, there will be an article on this later ..

Encoding and Wrappers

Sometimes filters are put in place, and to get around them we can use double encoding. This consists of encoding the special characters (if we go back to our previous example, we would have to encode the ../).


Above, the main special characters with their encodings and double encodings.

To recover the source code of a php page, using the basic technique, the server you will display the php page but executed by it. To recover its source code it is necessary to use another technique: The Php Wrappers

The principle is to display the source code of the page in base 64 like this (then convert it to using tools on the internet):
http: //localhost/lfi.php page = php: //filter/read=convert.base64-encode/resource=lfi.php

File Upload

The forms file uploads are the most difficult user entries to secure. The upload of a PHP file on a forum as a profile image for example could allow a attacker to execute PHP code..

How to exploit File upload ?

Double extension

Some scripts only check the extension of the file. This protection can be bypassed. As the name implies, this method consists of uploading a file that has a double extension.

For example: Have created a file hey.php.gif (or .jpg, jpeg, png ...) in which there will be php code. Just upload this file and go via the url.

Nulle byte

Php comes from the C language, which makes php sensitive to Null Bytes. The null bytes is used by the C language to signal the end of a string.

So, if we upload a file "hey.php%00.jpeg", the extension controller will think that we let's send a .jpeg file while php will stop at .php when it reads.

Bypass MIME checking

The MIME type, also known as the content-type, is a data format identifier on the Internet.
A MIME type is composed of at least two parts: a type and a subtype.
For example, a .png file will have the type "image" and subtype "png".
Here, the goal is to intercept the request before it is sent to the server, to modify it and change the MIME type.
We can use a web proxy (Burp Suite), or a Mozilla addon (Tamper Data), there will be an article on this later.


An XML External Entity (XXE) attack is a type of attack against an application that parses XML entries.
This attack occurs when the XML entry containing a reference to an external entity is processed by a weakly configured XML parser.

Effects: This attack can result in the disclosure of confidential data, a denial of service, server-side request falsification ...

The first step to test the presence of XML injections vulnerabilities in an application is trying to insert XML metacharacters.

Some examples of injectable code (Source: OWASP website) :



This area is very large, here are the main things to know and some examples basic.
An SQL injection is an injection or insertion of SQL code via data transmitted from a website.
A successful and properly exploited injection allows recover sensitive information from a database or from edit / delete / add data. Generally, all actions related to a database are possible..

SQL injection attacks can be distinguished into three classes:

  • Inband: the data is extracted by the same channel as the one used to inject the code SQL. This is the simplest type of attack, in which the recovered data is displayed directly in the web application page.

  • Out-of-band: the data is retrieved by a different channel (for example an email with the results of the query is generated and sent to the tester).

  • Inferential or Blind: there is no data transfer, but the tester can reconstruct the information by sending particular queries and observing the server behavior

  • There are five common techniques for exploiting SQL injection flaws.
    These techniques can be used in combination (for example a unions and out-of-band operator):

  • Operator union: can be used when the SQL injection flaw occurs in a query SELECT, making it possible to combine two queries into a single result or result set.

  • Boolean: use Boolean conditions to verify that certain conditions are true or false.

  • Error based: this technique forces the database to generate an error, giving the attacker or tester information to refine his injection.

  • Out-of-band: technique to recover data using another channel (by example make an HTTP connection to send the results to a web server).

  • Time delay: use commands from the database (ex: sleep) to delay responses in conditional queries. This is useful when the attacker does not have certain types of responses (results, output, error).

  • Some examples to detect a potential flaw (to insert in the fields, url, ..):
    ' / ' = ' / ' OR 1 = 1 / 'OR a = a / ' OR ' / ' OR '' = '' / 'OR' = '' / 'OR' = " / 'OR' = ' / ' OR '' = ' / ' OR '=' ' / ' OR '=' '

    Basic example of SQLi

    Here, the # allows to comment a line, we can encode it which will give %23.
    This request allows to connect with the admin account without knowing the password.
    ' UNION SELECT username,password FROM users--

    This request displays the accounts and password of the users table.

    Several tools allow to perform SQLi, like SQLmap, there will be an article on this later..

    RCE and Command injections

    Remote Code Injection (RCE) and control injection allow respectively to execute code (PHP for example) and system commands (bash for example).

    The presence of vulnerabilities with eval, assert and preg replace leads to a RCE.
    A RCE can also allow an injection of orders in most case.
    The presence of such vulnerability can provide an attacker with the ability to execute malicious code and take complete control of an affected system with the privileges of the user running the application. After gaining access to the system, attackers will often attempt to elevate their privileges.

    Example :
    $ping = system("ping -c 1".$_GET['ipadd']);
    Here, the script is waiting for an IP address as a parameter.
    But if an attacker added "; cat index.php" to his adress, then the system command will execute ping and display also the index.php.

    Tools like Commix has been developed. This one tries a big list different types of injection to exploit this type of vulnerability, we will see this in another article..

    I hope this article has allowed you to discover the basis of web vulnerabilities, I will complete it according to my progress..(and sorry for my english) If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact me with e-mail, Linkedin or Twitter (there are in the home page.)

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